Hi there! My name is Lacey Jones (she/her), and I am honored to be able to offer counseling services to adults throughout the states of Oregon and Washington. At this time, I am not able to offer in-person services and can see clients through teletherapy only. I genuinely love working with clients looking to better understand themselves, how they relate to others, want to process life and its challenges, who are coming from a variety of backgrounds and perspectives, and are in need of an unbiased and non-judgmental counselor to walk down that road together for a time.
I have a Bachelor of Science in Elementary and Special Education and received an Education Specialist degree in School Psychology from George Fox University, a program with a heavy focus on counseling theory and skills. Major coursework included principles and techniques in counseling, basics in couple and family therapy, cultural foundations and social justice issues, human growth and development, personality and counseling theory, group theory and therapy, spirituality in the clinical setting, ethical and legal issues, interpersonal neurobiology and pharmacology, and various coursework on assessment and intervention for people with disabilities. I have pursued further coursework beyond my degree in diagnosing as well as career counseling.
I became interested in becoming a counselor during my teenage years, but it’s been a long journey getting here. From a young age, I was fascinated by human diversity and the way that people show up in the world given the cultural context of our time, how and why people make the choices that they do, cope with life’s challenges, interact with one another, and maintain relationship with others and self. I believe that all people have the capability for insight and personal growth, no exceptions. At any given time throughout life, we may need to spend intentional time sorting through the muck of life in order to move closer to more fully and wholly understanding, knowing, and loving ourselves and others around us who are interwoven in our lives. Everyone has obstacles to overcome and stuff to deal within their lives. Sometimes we can get by by unpacking this stuff with friends and loved ones, other times we need a “professional listener and processing partner” whose entire focus and training is centered on exactly that. Because of this, I believe strongly in the power of counseling when a person is ready to do the work fostered by a good client-counselor match. I find this work to be an honor and a privilege and have deep respect for anyone who reaches out to initiate counseling. Because I take this work so seriously, I am always reading and seeking ongoing training so that I can continue to grow in my own knowledge and skills in meeting the needs of each unique human who may come to my space.
As an associate counselor registered with the Oregon Board of Licensed Professional Counselors and Therapists and an associate counselor registered with the Washington State Department, I am supervised by Natasha Laumei, a Licensed Professional Counselor in the state of Oregon, phone number (971) 251-0246. If you have any questions about my supervision, please ask.
Please feel free to reach out to me via email at [email protected]. I am happy to partner with you if we both agree that we are a good fit or refer you to other therapists to ensure you find the right fit for you.